#oh btw youre 6'4 in this for comedic purposes
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themastaralex Β· 2 years ago
Spiderverse messages
It's always gotta be something with pav doesn't it 😭 and you and Miguel honestly remind me a lot of ellie and Joel from tlou
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themastaralex Β· 2 years ago
Always, even to the End.
When an anomaly mission goes bad, you're left in critical condition, while a distressed Gwen is left to handle and process what just happened, while Miguel is there to save you, making sure you don't die like his daughter once did.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, direct talk of open wounds, very poorly studied medical stuff.
This shit was so much longer than I was thinking to make it like wtf do you mean 5k words?? Also Latina reader 🫢🏼❀️
"Oh, shit."
Wounded. Red. Pain. Talons.
Then, a voice, heavily muffled.
Ears. Ringing.
You open your eyes, barely able to see a figure. Then you feel a bruise on your eyebrow, moving to your eyelid.
"..fuck.." Strained, you groan, breaths ragged. Then the figure crouches down next to you, and they pull up your mask, right below your eye.
"-die." The figure's hand moves toward your bruised cheek, lightly brushing it. "St.."
Blood rushes out from your mouth, a sign of internal injuries.
Oh. I'm dead.
Your eyesight starts to settle a little more, as you can finally make out some more detail of the figure.
White.. Hood..
Oh.. yeah.. mission. Almost forgot.
"Ngh.." Gwen looks around and presses something on her arm, her watch. Then as the portal comes up, she picks you up and speaks something into the watch.
You're not sure what happened to you. And right now, you're sure you want to sleep.
You're tired.
The blood loss.
She grabs you and runs into the portal. The portal is short, and she has no time to waste, so she doesn't wait for the elevator, instead, she just jumps, and even though you don't have the normal spider-person sticking, she keeps you close, and held.
You recall your mask, similar to Miguel's recall.
Your face moves to the left, as you see people running and rushing toward you, medics.
A smile comes up on your face when you see Miguel rushing towards you.
Only time he'll ever run to me.
Then you look back at Gwen, her mask off and hood down. Her teeth are gritted as hard as she can as she runs toward the team of Spider-Medics. You didn't exactly get too good of a look at her face, but you see the gap in her teeth,
Only a second later, your ears quit ringing, and you can finally hear, as she places you on a stretcher.
"Can you hear me?!" One of the medics yells as he flashes a light in your eyes, making sure you're still here.
"Ye..yeah." Just like earlier, your voice sounds heavily strained, as if it pains you to speak, which it does.
Up until now, most of your body has felt numb, but you finally feel it, the worst hit you've ever felt in your history of being Spider-Woman/Shadow of 2099. And you don't feel your legs. Or anything past when you got hit.
"I can't.. feel my chest.." You mutter out, a whisper in the wind.
"What?" Gwen asks, narrowing her eyes at you.
You desperately look at her, as your breaths become more and more labored.
The medics rush you to the medical bay, as Miguel and Gwen follow them. They place a oxygen mask over your mouth and nose, making sure you can breathe.
Gwen contacts Miles, Hobie, Pav and Peter so they know what happened.
"EVERYONE, MOVE! MOVE, DAMN IT!" Miguel clears a path, clearly worried for you, but he'd never admit it, at least not in front of everyone.
He always had that one soft spot for you.
You always did remind him of his daughter.
Your smile, your curiosity.
God, Miguel wishes so bad you didn't, because if you die now, he'll just get hurt again, and again.
So he'll do almost anything to save you, his 'adoptive daughter'. A year and a half ago, he would have said he didn't have anything to lose.
But now.. you know the rest.
After a few minutes of rushing to the medical bay, they get you into emergency surgery, then find what happened.
"Multiple broken vertebrae, shattered spine, fractured ribs, and a mediocre concussion. We have her in surgery right now to fix her spine." The doctor glances up from his clipboard, seeing a pacing Miguel and Gwen in a chair, slouched over, thinking over and over, 'how did this happen?'.
You don't blame her. Not after what the Goblin pulled.
"I'm not even quite sure how she survived, given she doesn't have the typical spider-powers. But I do know she has a similar physiology to you, Miguel." The doctor points his pen toward the 6'9 man, as Miguel turns toward him, encouraging him to continue. "You might have to do a blood transfusion, given that she's lost quite a lot of blood."
The Goblin, he's the one who did this to you. He mimicked Gwen's voice, saying, "Spider-Woman, help!"
It was in that second that you should have known. She never says Spider-Woman. She always says Shadow.
You should have known, you should have. But of course, your feelings and thoughts got the better of you. And the fact that you have no spider-sense only made it worse.
"Alright. I'll do what it takes to save my 2nd best Spider." Gwen quietly laughs at that, but only for a second.
"And you, Gwen, we'll need to check you out before you can leave." She nods, standing and following the doctor, but not without looking back at Miguel, who is glaring at her, his fangs out and everything.
Her eyes go wide, and she turns back around as fast as she can.
Oh, shit. Miguel's gonna kill me after I get bandaged up.
She can't help but get that awful feeling in her stomach just thinking about what Miguel will do to her after.
After Gwen follows the doctor in the doors, he drops the angered look, and instead dawns a tired look, complete with lowered eyebrows and small frown.
"Chingada madre. Kid always has to be in some sort of trouble. She can never stay still." He pinches his nose bridge, in between his eyes.
He keeps his eyes on the surgeons doing your operation, then looks at you on the table, under the effects of anesthesia.
"You better survive this so I can ground you." He barely smiles, giving the illusion he's still deathly angry with you, because he is.
The only thing you think about while under is a nightmare of not being able to save Gwen if the Goblin actually had her, which is almost traumatic for you. And whenever you think of it, your heart rate spikes, and the doctors have to give you additional drugs to calm your system down.
Regardless, almost everyone who knows you is worried, knowing that having your spine fractured, broken, shattered, whichever you want to say, is huge.
The doctor finishes treating Gwen's minor and major injuries, like cuts, bruises, and her broken arm. He gives her a cast to wear on her left arm for a week or two, before coming back for a check-up.
She heads back out the way she came, stopping for a minute to see the progress they've made. Virtually zero, but this surgery is complicated and will take hours of labor to repair the broken vertebrae, piece together the shattered spine, and replicate the ruptured nerves.
For some reason, she can't help but blame herself, just like she's blamed herself for so many other things.
But you don't think it's her fault, you know it's not her fault.
Other than blaming herself for something she couldn't have prevented, she watches the surgeons work for a minute, before wanting to head to your shared quarters, which for now, will be vastly empty.
For now, it won't be filled with the sound of your pencil going at it on your sketchbook paper, or you listening to some of your favorite songs, or the sound of you criticizing either a book you're reading, or something on the holoscreen.
And she feels alone. Again.
She hasn't felt this alone in a while, since after all, you're there next to her most of the time.
Grinning, laughing, trying not to laugh when Lyla "accidentally" turns off Miguel's hologram and his butt shows.
But she has Miles, Pav, and Hobie, right? Yes, but they're not you, one of her only girl friends, and best friend at that..
She stares at your bloodied and bruised face, reminding her of when Peter died.
Her thoughts go dark for a moment, thinking about you dying. On that table. Having to tell your parents in your universe that you died saving her.
Gwen snaps out of it, shaking her head.
'No. Stop thinking like that. She has the best doctors in the Spiderverse working on saving her. She'll be fine..' Gwen isn't even really sure if she can trust her thoughts, as she lightly frowns. 'Right..?'
She closes her eyes for a second, before turning around to leave the medical wing.
She's only a few steps away from the door when an alarm goes off, flashing red lights going off all around.
"Code Red in Medical Wing B, Code Red in Medical Wing B."
"SHE'S GOING INTO SHOCK, PUMP IV FLUIDS AND GET MIGUEL BACK IN HERE, STAT!" The head surgeon yells to a nurse inside the room, as he rushes to get the fluids and calls Miguel on his watch.
Gwen rushes to turn around, as she sees the surgeons working hard to save you. Then she hears the doors slam open to her right, as Miguel sprints to the entrance of the room.
She can't bear to watch, so she doesn't. She runs, out of that wing, to your shared quarters.
She runs, just like she ran after Peter died, and after her dad aimed his gun at her, not even giving her a chance to explain.
She opens the door, moving inside, not sparing the outside a second glance. She slams the door closed, sliding down it, sitting down onto the floor.
Her eyes darted around the floor, not thinking of anything in particular, other than the obvious: that she just ran away from having to see another person in her life die. Especially one she cares so much for.
One that she cares so deeply for, that she would gladly spend everyday with, that she'd give her life for.
She raises her head, a grave realization coming to her.
"Ah, shit.." She furrows her brows, the smile on her face bitter. "I like her. Just had to realize this now, huh?" Gwen just shakes her head, biting the inside of her cheek, holding back everything else she's feeling.
Aka, everything else she's feeling that she hasn't allowed herself to feel, like loss, or anything other than the wall she put up for a while, which was promptly taken down by Miles, Pavitr, Hobie, and most predominantly, you.
And right now, all she does is sit there, thinking about how pissed she'll be at herself if she doesn't get the chance to tell you that she likes you. If she doesn't get the chance and you die, that's just another death she'll claim responsibility for, even when both you and her knew the risks.
She'll blame herself for making the multiverse lose such a beautiful smile, a selfless hero, a brilliant mind, and the girl she likes.
And again, it's only now that she realizes her stares, because back then, she took them as just admiration, respect. Especially when she looked at you in the gym, bench pressing, with Miguel spotting you. She thought that she reacted like, 'Holy shit, that's impressive!' But she was like, 'Holy shit.'
Regardless of what she used to think, she knows now. And she knows she has to tell you, if you live. And if you don't, she'll carry it to her grave.
She wishes she could just curl up into a ball and cry, but she has hero work. Anomalies to take care of.
In a rude interruption, someone knocks on the door, then it's accompanied by a light voice.
"Gwen, you okay? Open the door." Only Miles would have that soft of a voice, especially when speaking to someone who's just experienced something more than bad.
She pauses for a second, trying to think up an excuse.
"Uh, I'm changing, can't." Real smooth.
"Mhm. Okay. I'll wait." And there he goes again, with his caring demeanor.
Gwen rolls her eyes, standing from her spot on the ground. "Fine. Come in." She opens the door, allowing Miles to come inside, then quickly shuts it again.
She moves over to her bed, passing a cabinet with a couple of pictures on top, with her and you in them.
She looks at them, grabbing them after a moment of staring. In all of them, you're smiling, whether that be brightly or annoyed.
"I know you're probably feeling guilty right now. But it wasn't your fault. Risks come from being a spider-person, especially one that doesn't have a spider sense." At those words, Gwen just nods, the words going in one ear and heading out the other. She just walks over to her bed, sitting on the edge.
Miles can't help but cross his arms, furrowing his eyebrows. "That's not the only reason you're worried, is it?" He finally asks the question.
All this time, Miles was deathly sure that you liked Gwen. He knew that for sure. But he never completely expected to realize Gwen liked you back.
He always had that small thought in the back of his head, but nothing had ever come of it, until now.
When Gwen doesn't do anything but look down at her feet, it confirms Miles' suspicions.
He nods, softly smiling. Nothing needs to be said by either of them.
Miles had always liked Gwen ever since that super-collider brought them and the others together, including you.
Ever since then, she's been heavy in his head and heart, as so much of the stuff he drew during that middle year was just her. Even his mom called him out on it at one point, but he heavily denied it.
Right before the super-collider incident when you and the others were brought into Miles' universe, you were busy battling Loki, along with the Avengers.
He was beating you guys badly, until you temporarily got the upper hand. But then you got sucked into Miles' Earth, effectively making your Earth lose the battle with Loki.
When you came back, most of the Avengers were in critical condition, and your mother along with thousands of New York citizens, were dead.
You wouldn't have known. You couldn't have. Yet, everyday, you blame yourself for their deaths, because if only you had defeated Loki faster, right?
If only. That's all anyone tells themselves.
She still has the photos in her hands. She can't let go of them, because what if she loses you at that moment? Those photos will be some of the only happy moments of you two she physically has.
She laughs, for a split second, as she looks up at Miles, sitting up straight.
"She always had that same old dumb smile. Every time." Her smile is small, reminiscent of the many smiles you've had, and many of them pointed at her.
"Tell me more." Miles nods, a smile evident on his face, after getting Gwen to talk about something to cheer her up. He drops his arms from his chest, instead opting to drop his arms to his sides and loosely place them on his hips.
Of course, Miles feels sad that Gwen doesn't like him like that, but now wouldn't be the time to say anything like that. He instead focuses on giving her some comfort in your stead.
"After she smiled, she would like, laugh but it sounded like exhaling a breath, if that makes sense?" She'd take a deep breath, looking at the pictures again, softly smiling.
"She'll be okay. I know it. And if she isn't.." She quiets down a bit, slouching and placing her arms on her legs. "I'm not even gonna imagine that." She finishes off her words with an exhausted sigh. She casts the pictures one last glance, before standing and placing them back on the cabinet.
Miles follows her figure, his tone gentle. "Are you feeling better now? Need time?"
Gwen would nod at his words, always thankful for such understanding friends.
"Okay. I'll go. If you need something, don't hesitate to call." He gives her a thumbs up as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
For now, Gwen is more than content with her current thoughts about your situation, even with the slim chance you might not survive.
But she doesn't think about those odds. No, not for another second.
Around 2 hours later, Miguel speaks to the doctors working on your spine, as they tell him they can't fix your spine.
"What do you mean, 'We can't fix her spine.' Huh? I've given you all the medical instruments of the future! Fix her damn SPINE." He looks at all of them, mentally and physically drained. His look of anger seems to dissipate when he looks at your body however.
"Her spine is beyond repair. There's too many shatters and fractures and missing pieces. She is quite literally better off with us removing her spine and installing a completely cybernetic one-"
"I don't want to hear it." Miguel sighs, his eyes looking at you on that table, bloody and unconscious.
I can't. When you need me most. Oh, kid..
He thinks for a moment, his face desperate.
You're strong, determined. So I'm hoping you can handle this.
He sucks up his pride, wearing a scowl. "I'll get you the fucking spine. Just.. make sure my kid's okay. And don't mess this shit up." He growls, only proving how serious he is.
They all nod, albeit a few of them scared. Then Miguel leaves the room, readying himself for a long night ahead of him, creating a cybernetic spine.
At that time he rushes to his lair, taking out some blueprints from when he was working in Alchemax.
He scrolls through various different types of cybernetic spines, some that attach to the intact spine to strengthen it, others that just line the spine, then there, full spine replacement cybernetics.
There's only a couple, due to the fact most of them were for cosmetic reasons. But out of the few there were, one stuck out to Miguel, a carbon black color, stemming from the part in the neck to the bottom of the pelvis.
"It looks chunky, but I'll admit, looks practical and badass." He pulls the blueprint down to his workstation, projecting it in front of him. "Okay. Hardest thing is probably how the hell the nerves are gonna work with this. But not my circus, not my monkeys."
Miguel takes a deep breath and cracks his knuckles, calling Lyla.
"Lyla, lock down the lab. I need absolute concentration to finish this in time."
"Hmm? Lock down the lab? What for?" She innocently asks, standing in front of him, on his left.
"You know why. Just do it, you know damn well you don't want the kid to die. She's the only one who tolerates your bullshit jokes." His voice takes an angered tone, as he grits his teeth.
"Alright, fine. But this wasn't for you." She locks down the lab momentarily, giving Miguel a peace sign before disappearing.
He mumbles under his breath about how much he hates her, but he won't do shit to change her.
Anyways, after his little issue with Lyla, he studies the blueprint, although it'd be so much better if his brother Gabriel was here. He always was better than Miguel at technological stuff.
Miguel clears his workstation of anything else other than anything regarding the spine.
"Time to get to work."
Miguel works meticulously, yet still with a fairly quick pace. In around 11 hours, he has the spine done, and if he made it correctly, it should latch onto where the missing spine should be and 'solder' the nerves into itself.
"Hopefully.. this is good." He pauses before continuing to speak, to no one, other than Lyla, who is probably listening. "I need to rest." He breathes for a second, just taking a moment, before moving to deliver the spine to the surgeons, who right now, are probably taking short breaks while they wait.
He walks to the medical wing, the Spider Society HQ quite quiet for 5 a.m. Not many people are awake yet, seeing as Miguel pulled an all-nighter out of his ass to save you.
When he arrives, the surgeons look surprised, their eyes almost popping out of their sockets. Miguel currently looks like a ghost and a vampire had a child, and decided to never let it sleep.
"Here. I promised, and I delivered." Miguel's voice sounds strained, as he hasn't had many liquids either. He's just been so focused on saving you. Losing another person he loves, especially one he sees as a daughter would be devastating for him.
"Y-You got it?! Okay, we'll get right on it." For a few minutes, the surgeons just took a small break, maybe a few minor power naps. Because during the 11 hour period where Miguel was busy on the spine, they got on taking out your spine, part by part. So right now, you just look like muscle and fat, with your back opened up.
They were slow and steady, making sure to not take a risky shot at any point. Either way, they weren't expecting to see Miguel with the spine so soon, especially one that smells fresh off the factory line.
They carefully place the spine on a table, near your body.
At this point, they've given you so much drugs that not even a junkie would have taken this much in their whole life. But it keeps you down and out, so that's what they keep doing.
They disinfect the spine, as they lift it above you, ready to insert the brain stem part first.
All the while, Miguel waits, his face expectant. "Work.. Chingada madre, this better work." His eyes dart from your back to the spine, as they move it in.
The spine acclimates to the area, as it connects itself to the nerves. The surgeons have never seen anything like this, not in video games, TV shows, nothing. They slowly push the rest of it in, the last part in the pelvis a bit of a trickier challenge.
"Yes! YES!" Miguel smiles, his desperation turning into relief as he starts to cry, an unusual action for him. "Y-You're gonna be okay, kid." His breath hitches as he steps back, running his hands through his hair, then down his tired face.
The surgeons finally finish, after 14 hours of straight, hard, no sleep, work, they manage to save you.
They call some nurses to move you to a different room, gently placing you on the bed, hooking up all kinds of medical stuff to you, as Miguel stares at your bruised face.
He can't help but have a small smile on his face, knowing he managed to save you.
Thank God you're okay. Losing you would have sent me off the deep end.
I'm still going to ground you to high hell.
3 days later, everyone's seen you in the hospital, resting. And at that time, Miguel stands next to your bed, arms crossed.
"Doctor says you should be waking up around now." His voice stays monotone, not wanting to let an inch of emotion out. "But I know you. You'll wake up unexpectedly and keep your eyes closed to surprise everyone." He'd chuckle, the corner of his mouth turning up.
There's silence for a few moments, before you start groaning.
Huh.. que chingadas..
You rustle around for a second, as Miguel's eyes stay on you. Slowly, you open your eyes, the lights of the room bright, as you get readjusted.
"Ugh.. my head. Jesus, f-" You don't dare finish that sentence the second you see Miguel right next to you. "Miguel.. Wh-What happened? How long I been out?" You try not to speak too loudly, given that you haven't spoken in the last 4 days.
"You've been out for a few days, kiddo. Anything hurts like you're gonna die?" He pulls a chair next to you, leaning back in the chair, arms on the armrests. "Or are you feeling good?"
You nod, your head still feeling a big groggy.
"No, 'stoy bien. But.. What happened? And where is everyone?" You sit up, touching your back and feeling the outside of the spine. You recoil your hand at the touch, as Miguel sighs.
"Ah, your spine was too damaged to repair. They.. removed the whole thing and I made you a new one. Like from that Cyberpunk 2077 game you like to play. And everyone.." He clicks his tongue, as he presses some stuff on his watch. "..is coming now."
You look happily surprised, a large grin making its way on your face. "Thanks Miguel. Siempre me ayudas cuando te necesito." He smiles at your words, as he pulls you in for a quick hug.
"Siempre, mija." He takes an affectionate tone, as he lightly squeezes your shoulder, letting go of the hug.
Not even a minute later, the 4 musketeers show up, with smiling faces.
Your eyes light up at their appearances, especially after seeing Gwen's relieved face. She smiles, and you can see that tooth gap you love so much. Then you see the cast on her arm, but decide to bring it up later.
Miguel follows your gaze, landing on Gwen. He looks back at you and just smiles, as they approach.
"Heard sleepin' beauty was finally awake from her kip. Gwenny here was in bloody shambles the entire time. We were too, 'course, but, ah, she barely slept, ateβ€”" Gwen interrupts Hobie, nervously laughing, trying to keep her collected persona intact.
"He's uh.. exaggerating." She walks over to the right side of the bed, crossing her arms as she glares at Hobie near the head of the bed. "But I'm really happy to see you're okay."
Everybody else other than Miguel either awws, or oohs.
Meanwhile, you just keep your eyes on her, smiling like an idiot. "Thanks, Gwen. Means a lot to hear you say that." Then your eyes move to the three dudes bunched up together at the head of the bed.
"And you three, what no, 'Congrats on not dying!' shit? Nothing? Damn, leavin' me out to dry here."
Miguel enjoys the active atmosphere around him, but he has work to do, so he leaves, giving everyone a quick goodbye and you, one last hug.
After he leaves, Miles sits down in the chair Miguel was in, leaning back.
"So how long you gotta be here? Few weeks?" Miles asks, as he looks around the room.
"Not sure, I doubt a few weeks. Maybe another few days. Just gotta get used to the new spine, I guess."
"New spine? Fucking cool."
You spend the next hour talking with all of them, as they recap what's happened over the last few days you were out, nothing much.
After the hour's over, Miles is the first to say goodbye, as he has something to do with Margo. Then Hobie and Pav have training to do, as they said, 'He needs to learn to not be such a pussy!' 'Says you!'
Regardless, you don't mind as they leave, because that gives you some time to talk to Gwen, alone.
She walks to the chair, sitting down.
"I haven't asked you if you're okay yet, have I?" You turn towards her leaned back figure, wanting her to be completely honest with you.
"No, you didn't. But, I'm fine. Honest." You raise a brow to that, knowing she's not completely telling the truth.
"The cast?"
"Oh, this? Just to stabilize my arm after the break." Your heart drops hearing that, as you take a breath.
"Your arm broke?" You say, pausing as you look at it. "Shit." A mumble under your breath, as she sighs, gently punching your shoulder with her right hand.
"Yeah, it broke, but it's fine. I'll be fine, don't worry." She smiles, with a slight nod at the end.
You tiredly sigh, mindlessly grabbing at the blanket on top of you, thinking. "You know," You didn't use the 'y'know' combination, so Gwen knows this is serious. "The entire time, while I was out, you were the only thing I was thinking about." You keep your voice quiet, as your face expression is soft.
"I like you, Gwen. And I wanted to say that now because who knows if something like this happens again, to either of us, but we don't survive?" Your words are raw, coming straight from the heart.
Every time you've envisioned yourself telling her this, it's always been during a rainy day, particularly on the roof of the Spider Society HQ. Either way, you never got far enough to see what she'd say.
But now, you've shot your shot, and you're hoping you don't miss.
Gwen bashfully smiles, looking from your hand to your face. "I like you too. It took me a while to realize, but I know."
You turn your body slightly to face her, butterflies in your stomach. "Good. I thought I made it kind of obvious." A gentle laugh emanates from you, as she looks at you, from your smile to your nose, to your eyes.
"Obvious? I don't think you were obvious if I didn't catch on to it."
"No, you're just super oblivious."
She stands up, leaning on the guardrails on the bed. "Oblivious, huh?" She chuckles, leaning in.
You smile, moving a hair out of the way, then pulling her in for a kiss. Your hand moves to her neck, with your thumb on her cheek. Her soft lips connect with your slightly chapped ones.
It lasts for a few moments, before you separate, dumb excited grins on your faces.
"Was that obvious enough?"
"Hmm, no.. I think you'll have to show me again."
You laugh, looking all around her face, remembering every little detail, down to the last almost invisible freckle.
You'll never forget this, mainly due to the fact that right afterwards, your heart rate monitor spiked and some nurses came in and saw you guys. Now, that, you'll never forget, because Gwen was there with you.
(If yall are at all curious as to what the spine would be here it is, cyberpunk77 reference πŸ«ΆπŸΌπŸ—£)
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